Getting To The Point – Data

What You Should Know About Hard Drive Degaussers If you ask most people what degaussing is, chances are that they would not know. Generally, erasing of data from a data storage device such as a hard disk is what is referred to as degaussing. Most hard disks usually store the data transferred on a magnetic strip. A degausser has a strong magnetic field. When a hard disk is brought close to the magnetic field of the degausser, data in the hard disk is erased. In most cases, erasing a hard disk using a PC does not completely erase it. When you delete the data using a PC, the data is transferred from the main compartment of the drive to a usually inaccessible areas, which can be accessed though using various data recovery software. Degaussing is the only sure way of completely erasing the data on a hard disk. For this reason, you will find the method used by many companies and government institutions. How a Degausser Works When you know how data is stored on a hard drive, it becomes easy to understand how degaussing works. In most hard drives, data is usually stored in a magnetic strip that is inside them. When you turn on your PC, the data on the magnetic strip in the hard drive is read and converted to digital format. The digital format is what the end users see in form of text, video or audio from the hard disk.
A Beginners Guide To Computers
The magnetic strip of a hard disk is destroyed when the storage device is introduced into the magnetic field of the degausser. When a hard disk is brought into the magnetic field of a Degausser, its magnetism will be destroyed and the data randomized. When the magnetic strip has been destroyed, no data can be recovered from the hard disk.
Learning The Secrets About Data
Types of Degaussers You can choose different types of degaussers in the market to purchase. You should research well before choosing a degausser. Since not all degaussers work in the same way, it is only logical to research before buying. Among the most common degaussers are the electromagnetic type. The degaussers charge a degaussing coil to produce a magnetic field. Permanent magnetic degaussers are the other common option you can choose. These degaussers have one or more rare earth magnets and can be operated without electricity. Degaussers may also be built for specific activities. For example, some are built for high volume while others are meant for mobile operations. One choosing a degausser, one of the important things to consider is its performance in data eraser. Generally, the performance of a degausser is mainly determined by its maximum magnetic field strength. Degaussers that have stronger magnetic fields can erase more data. Follow the guide above when looking to buy a degausser.

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