Notebooks Are Not Just Places to Store Ideas

Writing, done well, can be a way of sharing deep ideas and observations about the world around us. Writing and reading involve a fascinating connection between the mind and the hand that takes down those thoughts and brings them shape and clarity. All of this can be impacted by the way that writing is conveyed to a page, whether that page happens to be a piece of paper or the screen of a tablet or a laptop computer. Writing with a computer is much faster, and this kind of writing can be very incisive, but some writers still actually prefer to put their thoughts down on paper with an old fashioned, slow moving pen, on paper. Why?

Defining the Thought Process via wholesale custom notepads

The connection between a hand that writes down ideas formed in the brain is certainly an intriguing one. Do the ideas that come from the slow work of a hand on a pager have a different quality than those that come via a laptop? Some scientific minds believe there is a difference, though certainly it’s hard to quantify. What we do know is that many writers swear by the slow and methodical process of putting words on paper, and this is why personalized notebooks in bulk orders are still a part of the retail business world. Many writers and artists love the intimacy of using a quality leather notebook to work out ideas, even if those ideas are eventually transferred over to digital media.

Saving ideas in a handsome leather notebook gives them a feeling of lasting stability. A notebook can become not just a place to keep ideas, but also can be a kind of keepsake. All of this is very valuable, which is why there are still many companies creating beautiful notebooks that look and feel wonderful. Great ideas are worth saving, so why not put them in a medium that will last?

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