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Guide to Firearm Accessories: the Red Dot Sight

A red dot sight and a laser sight has a whole world of difference between them. While a laser light emits a beam of light onto the target, the red dot sight will reflect an image onto the glass of the sight and you will then see a red dot onto the target. Magnification of the target in the lens is not what the red dot sight does but it only sights the target. A telescope can be used with this sight to magnify the target. A sight with no magnification is ideal with handguns, sub machine guns, and shotguns used at close range. With a red dot sight, you can be sure that your shot has a good level of precision and accuracy.

The following discussed how the red dot sight works. Red dot sight has concave lens which has a very thin metallic coating that reflects only red light. There is a light emitting diode inside the sight tube which reflects a red dot. The red light that appears when you look through a sight seems like it has been projected onto the target. Although the red dot sight’s accuracy is not pinpoint accuracy, it still gives you some assurance that you will be able to hit your target granting that you use the proper aiming and firing techniques. You can adjust the sight up and down as needed.

There are different types of red dot sight. If you compare a full tube red dot sight, you can mistake it for a telescopic sight. The red dot sight is ideal for use with a shotgun. There are additional features and accessories include haze reducing filters, sun shades, and flip up lens covers. The smaller and lighter types of red dot sight is called the open sight or the mini red dot sight. With these small sights you cannot use haze filters or sun shades. The last type of red dot sight is the small tube sight that can use haze filters and sun shades but they are small than the full tube sight.

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It is important that you are comfortable with the way the sight works, so if you are planning to purchase a red dot sight, make sure to look through it to know how comfortable it is for you. However, if you are color blind this will not be helpful to you at all especially if you are trying to improve the accuracy of your aim. Since there are different types of red dot sights, you should know the type that you need and this depends much on your shooting needs. Improving the level of your accuracy is possible with the use of red dot sight.

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